Lecturer at Universitas Negeri Padang

  1. Prof. Dr. Dedi Hermon, S.Pd, MP
  2. Prof. Dr. Syafri Anwar, M.Pd
  3. Prof. Dr. Eri Barlian, MS
  4. Prof. Dr. Indang Dewata, M.Si
  5. Dr. Iswandi, S.Pd, M.Si
  6. Dr. Yurni Suasti, M.Si
  7. Dr. Ernawati, M.Si
  8. Dr. Erianjoni, S.Sos, M.Si
  9. Dr. Nofrion, S.Pd, M.Pd
  10. Dr. Bayu Wijayanto, S.Pd, M.Pd

International Lecturer at Department of Geography, Universiti Malaya

  1. Prof. Dr. Safiah @ Yusmah binti Muhammad Yusoff
  2. Dr. Tengku Adeline Adura binti Tengku Hamzah

International Lecturer at Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Tulane University

  1. Prof. Dr. Daniel Friess

Practitioner Lecturer at BRIN-Indonesia

  1. Dr. Aprizon Putra, S.Pd, M.Si

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